Black and White film source darkroom prints are produced on Archival Fiber Based Professional Black and White photo paper. Digital source B&W images are printed on a lightjet as are film source images that require extreme enlargement (extreme enlargements will incur a scanning fee).

Color prints are produced with a Lightjet on Fuji Crystal Archive Professional photo paper and are finished in a darkroom.
To order prints please send an email to with your name, contact information and the specific prints you would like to order. You will be contacted via email to confirm your selections, determine size, and set up payment. Unless noted on the image, all photos on this site and most on the Momentum Imagery Facebook page are available for purchase as a print. Orders are completed on a made-to-order basis and are usually shipped within two to three weeks after receipt of payment. 
Great care and craftsmanship is put into each print and shipment. These are handmade, gallery quality prints from a professional custom photo lab with decades of experience. Because of this, prints cannot be returned unless damage was incurred during shipping. Lightjet prints are made by Visions Photo Lab in Santa Fe, NM. B&W Darkroom prints are made by Moon Photo in Seattle,

Lightjet Print: $400/$1200*
13”x19” B&W Darkroom Print: $500
Prints are signed.  
*Regular (13” on the short dimension) or Very Large print sizes. Email for more info as not all prints are available in Very Large sizes.
S&H is included within the contiguous US.
Note: Film source black and white images shown on this website are scanned from small B&W machine prints on a flat-bed scanner. Any inconsistencies, scan artifacts, dust marks, and/or blemishes showing in some of the scans will not be present in the final print. In general, the custom B&W prints will show much more richness and depth than the scans. Digital sourced images are from original digital files or very high quality film scans and therefore don’t exhibit the same issues.
Depending on your computer setup, delivered prints may vary in contrast and color from what your computer monitor is showing.

Photos ©2000-2014 Craig P Stehling; Website/Logo ©2005-2014 Momentum Imagery. All rights reserved.
